All images drawn by me unless otherwise noted.


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Name: Lex eir Ferenda aka Lucky aka Loi aka Lacuna

Age: 31 (start of 2.0)

Race: Garlean Hyur

Gender/sexuality: Cishet man

Biography: VIIth legion frumentarius officer. Lex is at Castrum Novum when Dalamud breaks open. With Nael dead at the hands of the Eorzeans, the XIVth openly hostile to the VIIth, and all other routes of egress blocked off, he can only watch and wait for the moon to fall. He is filled with enraged helplessness and cannot decide who to blame: Nael? Himself? Or—Gaius van Baelsar, who turned his back on the VIIth?

This thought is held in his mind when shrapnel from Dalamud pierces his right temple and rakes across his face. He lies in a pool of his own blood, close to death, only to be saved by a Duskwight healer—the true Warrior of Light—who had been led to that spot by the echo. The healer makes a deal with Lex: She will assist him with his revenge against those he felt wronged him, and he will assist with hers. Quid pro quo. Their plans entangle them with the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and Eorzean leadership, and it quickly spirals out of their control...


the "warrior of light".

the warrior of light.

of course i know who he is. he's a scion. he's a friend. he's a traitor. his name is—

Come one, come all!
The greatest show Eorzea's ever seen is playing this weekend only at the renowned Dalamud Theatre! You won't wanna miss it!!

pre-calamity lex and niteo — smoke break with the C.O.
niteo belongs to farewell

what's in the warrior of light's traveling bag? 🎒

top-rated tourist activity in ishgard: get accused of heresy! their trials by combat are to die for!

follow the leader

concept sketch! ~15 year old Lex with his new camera.
his school uniform is a mix between a modern suit + garlean aesthetics (rounded collar, carbonweave lines)

early design brainstorming

pre 1.0 lex with his hair down

unfortunately recognizable fugitive

lex and lahtze


Castrum Centri

[2 pages] several conversations between the scions and their warrior of light.

Habitual Liar

[1 page] the healer spoke to the garlean while he was comatose. after her patient awoke, she found that having a conversation was still not possible.